Bachelor of Business Administration in Actuarial Science

加深对财务风险管理的理解 Bachelor of Business Administration in Actuarial Science in Temple University’s Fox School of Business. Through the 124-credit curriculum, 你会完善你的分析和数学技能,为所需的专业考试和职业生涯作为精算师做准备, 专门从事一系列行业的保险和金融风险评估.

Housed in Fox’s Department of Risk, Actuarial Science, and Legal Studies, 精算科学专业被指定为精算优秀中心 Society of Actuaries. 这个密集的课程为高技能的学生提供了数学和统计学的坚实基础, and exposes them to a wide range of business disciplines.

Learn more about a career in actuarial science (pdf).

Classes & Curriculum

124学分的精算科学BBA课程是通识教育的结合, actuarial science, mathematics and statistics courses. 该课程已获精算师学会及伤亡精算学会认可为令人满意 VEE (Validation by Educational Experience) requirements.

Courses students will complete include

  • Actuarial Analytics,
  • Actuarial Modeling,
  • Actuarial Probability and Statistics,
  • Calculus,
  • Corporate Finance for Actuarial Science,
  • Managing International Risk and
  • Theory of Interest.



要成为一名精算师,你需要通过一系列的专业考试 Society of Actuaries and Casualty Actuarial Society,测试学生在各种数学和商业分析方面的应用. 皇冠体育精算科学专业的课程是专门为帮助学生准备这些考试而量身定制的.  


坦普尔大学为学生提供了在最先进的研究设施中与教师密切合作的机会,以解决该行业的一些最大挑战. As an Actuarial Science student, you’ll work with and learn from thought leaders, 你将在以下几个领域为该领域的发展做出贡献.

  • Crisis risk management and public reaction to crises
  • Corporate governance in the insurance industry
  • Enterprise risk management
  • Financing of catastrophic risk

了解更多关于福克斯风险部门的研究计划, Actuarial Science, and Legal Studies.

Related Graduate Degrees

Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, 工商管理学士学位提供具有竞争力的学费水平和多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. You can view the full 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


Pennsylvania resident: $23,712.00 per year
Out-of-state: $43,080.00 per year


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