Food Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance Certificate

The Food Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance Certificate 皇冠体育药学院为学生提供有关食品和食品药品监管和质量实践的广泛知识. This three-course certificate is offered through the school’s 法规事务(RA)和质量保证(QA)研究生课程 and is available online. A master’s degree is not required to earn this certificate, but it can be completed at the post-master’s level, 这个项目的学生可以获得额外的证书.

The certificate is designed to foster professional development, 同时为学生准备监督和管理职位. Key topics include the basics of food quality practices, good manufacturing practices (GMPs), preventative controls, and hazard and risk analysis. 学生将掌握食品公司加工活动中涉及的法律和监管要求的工作知识, 了解管理食品安全的主要监管机构:食品和药物管理局(FDA), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 教师和演讲嘉宾包括来自费城地区广泛的食品行业的监管机构和专业人士, which includes major manufacturers (Campbell Soup, Kraft, Nabisco, Heinz, Lipton, Hershey and Blommer Chocolate) and distributors (Aramark, Sysco and Fresh Del Monte). 

There are many parallels between the regulation, manufacturing and quality practices for drugs and food. Since the early 1990s, employees of the food industry, 以及从事营养产品行业的专业人士, have often pursued the MS in RA and QA to deepen their knowledge of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, while also learning about quality practices. In response to these student populations, 天普的监管事务和质量保证研究生项目开发了以食品法为重点的课程, regulation and manufacturing practices. 2011年的《皇冠体育》(Food Safety and Modernization Act)包含了70多年来对食品安全法进行的一些最彻底的改革, 将食品安全的重点转移到预防行动和监管上,而不仅仅是应对污染. 食品安全警戒成为预防沙门氏菌爆发和大肠杆菌发生的首要问题. coli in produce and meats. As a result, the FDA hired close to 5,000 new inspectors, 为具有质量实践和监管证书的专业人员开设新的场所.

所有食物规管事务及质素保证证书课程均在网上提供, 让全国的学生都能参与到这个项目中来. 攻读食品RA和QA课程将为RA和QA学生开辟更多的职业道路. 天普的RA和QA研究生课程的录取学生在获得硕士学位之前,欢迎获得食品监管事务和质量保证证书以及其他证书. (For instance, 获录取的学生可先取得药物开发证书及食物规管事务及质素保证证书,然后再取得硕士学位.) To receive the certificate, 考生必须完成规定的课程和申请手续. 


For over five decades, Temple University’s School of Pharmacy has provided outstanding graduate-level coursework in RA and QA. 法规事务和质量保证是专业人员确保产品符合政府法规和行业标准的实践.

The School of Pharmacy  

  • pioneered RA and QA graduate education in 1968, 开设第一个RA和QA在线学位课程,并提供最全面的RA和QA课程;   

  • has outstanding expert faculty from industry and the U.S. 美国食品和药物管理局(FDA),确保教授最新的发展和实践; 

  • attracts students from the biopharmaceutical, medical device, pharmaceutical and related industries (cosmetics, food and healthcare); 

  • 安排现场课程,在晚上和周末进行互动讨论和研讨会; 

  • has hundreds of students from across the country, facilitating great networking opportunities; and 

  • provides individualized services to students.    

证书提供坦普尔备受尊敬的RA和QA研究生课程的证书, which can be applied to the RA and QA master’s degree. 

Program Format & Curriculum  

《皇冠体育》可自行获得,也可在前往食品监督管理机构的途中获得 MS in RA and QA.  

To earn the certificate, 以下三门课程是必修课程,必须在两年内完成,总成绩为B (3).0) average. 

  • Food Law (5595)  

  • Food Labeling and Regulatory Affairs (5596)  

  • Food Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) (5597) 

Courses may be taken in any order. 所有课程必须完成皇冠体育的RA和QA研究生课程. No transfer credits from other institutions are accepted. 如果学生已经在美国认可的大学完成了相同的课程.S. graduate school, 学生可以申请RA和QA项目放弃该课程,并选修另一门经批准的选修课程. 这一要求必须以书面形式提出,并在学生攻读证书之前获得批准. 


See the curriculum.


  • 考生必须正式申请并遵循申请程序(申请表), photocopies of transcripts and Notice of Completion). 

  • 被录取的学生在完成食品管理事务和质量保证证书课程后,可获得食品管理事务和质量保证证书 MS in RA  and QA

  • The certificate must be completed within two years. 学生必须在完成课程要求后不超过一年的时间内申请证书. 

  • 有兴趣攻读RA和QA硕士学位的学生可以将在食品监管事务和质量保证证书中获得的所有学分用于研究生学位, 前提是他们正式申请硕士课程并被皇冠体育录取 graduate school.

Learn more about the application process.

Related Graduate Degrees

Tuition & Fees

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, 该项目提供有竞争力的学费水平,并提供多种经济支持机会.

皇冠体育的学费每年由学校设定,并受多种因素影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more.

You can view the full Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website. You can also view the the tuition rates for the 2024–2025 academic year


皇冠体育的院系和专业都获得了美国皇冠体育协会的认证 Middle States Commission on Higher Education.


Additional Program Information