
获得有利可图的代数,分析和数值技能与 数学文学学士学位 or 数学学士学位 在天普科技学院任教. 该学位课程的毕业生可以担任许多专业角色, 包括精算师, 业务分析师, 数据库管理员, 研究员和统计学家. 事实上,美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projected a significant rise in the job market and median salary for mathematicians. Students can also continue their academic careers through various STEM-related graduate programs.

Over the course of four years, you’ll study mathematical applications, computations 和ory. 在这个123学时的课程中, 你不仅会学会如何识别, 分离并解决数学问题, 还有如何通过电子媒体传达你的发现, 口语和写作.


  • 交流思想,
  • 将现实生活和理论数据转化为数学,并且
  • 理解抽象代数和实分析和复杂分析.


这取决于你对数学的投入程度, you can either take the 54- to 55-credit-hour program for the BA degree or the 65-credit-hour program for the BS degree. 数学学士学位需要更多的高等数学课程, which might be a better fit for you if you plan on pursuing a graduate degree in Mathematics.

相反, 你可以拓宽你的教育经验,选择数学学士学位, 哪一种课程安排更灵活.


类 & 课程

所有学生都必须学习这个项目的入门课程. Beyond that, your curriculum will be decided by whether you choose to pursue the BA or the BS.






科学技术学院提供+1速成学士-硕士课程. 学生可以获得学士或学士学位,并在第五年结束时获得硕士或硕士学位. Coursework is completed over five years instead of taking the usual six-year course of study.



You can also earn a 数学专业 from the College of Science and Technology and a Master of Education from the College of Education and Human Development. Qualified students can earn a master’s degree in five years, instead of taking the usual six. 了解更多关于攻读这个加速学位的信息.


Qualified students can earn the 数学专业 and a Doctor of Physical 的rapy from the College of Public Health over a five-year course of study, 而不是通常的六年.



的 College of Science and Technology offers 3+4 Accelerated Degree Programs in a seven-year course of study, 而不是通常的八年. 符合条件的本科学生可在CST获得数学专业和a

  • 科恩伯格牙科学院牙科医学博士;
  • 足病医学院足病医学博士;
  • 刘易斯·卡茨医学院的医学博士,或者
  • 药学院药学博士.



的 College of Science and Technology 后学士学位预科课程 is designed for students planning to apply to medical school or pursue other health-related professions. 该计划提供以下两个轨道.

  • 的 Basic Core in Health Sciences is intended for professionals who need the required science courses to apply to medical school.
  • 的 Advanced Core in Health Sciences is a program for current students who have met the premedical requirements and who seek advanced science coursework.

Both tracks include classes in the Lewis Katz School of Medicine 和 College of Science and Technology. 了解更多有关 College of Science and Technology’s 后学士学位预科课程.


International students have the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree from their home institution and a graduate degree from Temple over five years. This multidisciplinary program includes undergraduate- and graduate-level coursework at Temple. 学生为当今全球经济和就业市场的职业生涯做好准备.

了解更多有关 College of Science and Technology’s Dual Bachelor-Master Program for international students.

学费 & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, the Bachelor of Science offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


宾夕法尼亚州居民: $23,112.00 /年
州外: $38,160.00 /年